Roial Wax cartridge roll’on Honey

£3.99 Ex.vat


The warm professional roll-on wax is the easiest, most effective and fastest to use. Ideal to start waxing.

This roll-on wax cartridge is used with a wax heater that keeps the wax at the right temperature.

Roll-on allows you to apply a uniform amount of wax to the area to be depilated. A single pass is sufficient to apply the wax.

The warm wax is removed with a strip of non-woven fabric in a quick and painless procedure.

This wax is fat-soluble, to remove small wax residues on the skin, you must use an oil. The post-depilation oil will soothe and moisturize your skin at the same time.

This wax cartridge fits most professional wax heaters except Ardevi, Biopil, Inverness, Toutepil, Epilfacile, Personal Waxer, Quick Epil, Natepil, Atlas Ladomo (non-exhaustive list)


Skin type: All skin types

Tip: Size M

Container: 100 ml

Dimensions: 11x5x2 (approx.)

This wax cartridge allows you to do:

– 4 to 5 depilations of the half-legs depending on your hair.

– 2 to 3 whole leg depilations

– Heat the Roll on with the wax cartridge for the time indicated in the manual.

– Apply the warmed wax to the part to be depilated in a very thin layer.

– Place a strip of fabric on the wax for 20 seconds, until the wax adheres to the strip and the hair as it cools.

– Tear off the strip in the opposite direction of planting the hair. (You can re-use this tape several times).

– Repeat this operation on the rest of the areas to be depilated.

– At the end of your depilation, remove the wax residue from your skin with the post-depilatory oil or lotion.